About Us
Why We Farm the Way We Do
We are a 800 acre family-owned dry farm in Box Elder County, Utah. ​ Our soil has been conventionally farmed for well over 100 years, and has historically produced wheat, safflower, alfalfa and other crops completely without irrigation in a high elevation, arid climate. In 2019 we began to notice changes in our soil, and made the decision to transition our farm to adopting more regenerative practices and to offering more diverse products. At Blind Springs Ranch our goal is to maintain a productive farm for generations to come. When we make business decisions we strive to look at what the impact of those decisions will be on the future of our family, the future of the ecosystems in which our farm exists, and whether we are cultivating the future we hope to see in our community and in the world as a whole. ​ Before we can seek sustainability (keeping things as they are), we must first regenerate the land (rebuilding what has been lost). At Blind Springs Ranch our aspiration is to regenerate soil health, plant health and animal health. When the microorganisms in the soil are healthy, the plants that grow from the soil are healthy and the animals that consume those plants are healthy. This means that the products we sell are nutritious for humans too. Every crop on our farm must first begin with the health of our soil. To build up our soil we follow the principles and practices of regenerative agriculture. Five Principles 1. Soil Armor 2. Least Disturbance 3. Living Root 4. Diversity 5. Animal Integration Five Practices 1. Green Manure (Plant Residues) 2. No-Till Planting 3. Cover Crops 4. Multiple Species 5. Mob Grazing
Know Your Farmers
Always Learning and Growing
We are innovators who want to help your family find foods you can trust to be nutritious and ethically produced. We have a deep appreciation for land and living things, and value the sacrifices of the farmers who came before us. While right now we can only spend summers in Utah on the farm, we have big ambitions. We are trying new practices that we hope will preserve our family farm for generations to come.

Charlotte Wanberg
Charlotte is a third-generation Blind Springs dry farmer. Her grandfather acquired the land nearly 100 years ago, and she spent her entire childhood working with her father Fred Manning on the farm. Charlotte is a student of regenerative agriculture and works as a part-time agriculture educator in the less-busy farming months. While recognizing practicality, she tries to be a good holistic steward of the land. She is passionate about learning and sharing all she can about agriculture.

John Wanberg
John is adept at anything that has to do with working with his hands. He is married to a farmer whom he adores but feels most comfortable designing, building, and fixing things in the shop. John is an Industrial Design Professor by trade but is happy to help fix tractors, trucks, fences, etc. He has learned to farm in the past few years but was raised by a professional gardener, and is no stranger to growing food. He has published 4 books on composite fabrication and teaches full-time at MSU Denver.